
The gentle way

Life once began in the water. Lavation brings us back to eternity through water. The circle of life closes smoothly and naturally. Lavation is the gentle way.

Lavation is an alternative and particularly environmentally conscious form of burial. It requires only a fraction of the energy of cremation and is much more sustainable than cremation and burial¹. At the same time, the water-based procedure is based on a natural process that gently guides the body back to its origins – to the elements that form the foundation of us all.

Lavation procedure

Bedded in the lavarium, the body is moistened with a gentle, warm spray of water and electrolytes.
Heat sets the natural process in motion that transforms the body into its original building blocks.
Water marks the beginning and end of the lavation - pure and flowing.
The remaining minerals can be buried in an urn.

Taking responsibility

Lavation It is incredibly important that a change towards sustainability also takes place in the funeral sector.

Become eternity

Das Lavarium wird ein Ort der Stille, des Abschieds, des Übergangs vom Materiellen in die Ewigkeit sein. The Lavarium will be a place of silence, of farewell, of transition from materiality to eternity.
Grieving process

Saying goodbye

Lavation – Trauerbewältigung For many bereaved people, the funeral plays a central role in coping with deep grief.
About us

Give confidence

Lavation – Familie Lutz We would like to accompany you with empathy and trust in the difficult hours of farewell.

Find answers

Lavation – Transparenz Absolute transparency is important in order to create acceptance and trust.